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Loyalty, dignity, good morals, a good heart, and good character. I don't care how complicated this get's ...
My family and friends say that I am an extraordinary creative personality. With me there is always somethi...
I love preparing seafood dishes, full of flavor and tradition. I believe in love and everything it can br...
About myself, am a friendly person with respect and support to the family .I love nature ,often exploring ...
I am clean cut, direct, and focused. I can be very frank and tend to say what's on my mind. The thing for ...
I am loyal to this online dating site.. I would like to give it a try, I am ready, willing and able to ven...
I'm looking for a serious committed relationship and I'm a little shy but once you get to know me I can be...
I am a cheerful and kind woman. I handle every situation with a gentle and thoughtful approach. I like to ...
I am a very strong woman with a big heart and a genuine smile. I’m super attentive when you’re in front of...
I appreciate sincerity, I am gentle and give tenderness, I am positive and I take on positive. I find happ...
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