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My favorite food meat loaf and mashed potatoes favorite dessert cinnamon roll and buns and ice cram I’m 22...
I am a original native American,born a man, love my God my family my country and my woman I find her. Her ...
J aime du sport,visionner,jouer au ballon,et aussi faire de la lecture.
Looking for new friends let's meet and have fun
I frankly love life in all its manifestations, a positive person who will always find a reason for a smile...
Careful loving and affectionate
Laid back Homebody primarily, but doesn't mind having a good night out. Go Karting, Axe Throwing, Mini Gol...
Je suis un homme taquin, doux et affectueux désireux de faire de nouvelles rencontres par le biais de vous...
My name is Tom farm and live in the most southern part of Canada, very close to the border to the USA. Enj...
Do you believe in honesty,loyalty and truthfullness and are into hugs,kissing,hand holding and cuddling,th...
I'm 38 years old. Looking for a women that likes to laugh and have fun. I'm a huge outdoorsmen, and I'd li...
I am so kind and honest man. I love travelling all around the world.
Laid back
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